Thursday, August 28, 2008

Make & Takes From Last Night

We made 2 super cute cards last night at Margaret's. This first one was a swap she received from a friend during Convention. I wish I knew who it was to give due credit because this card is beautiful. (I should mention that my samples are a little crooked & off because I was trying to get them done so quickly so I had time to chat with everyone about Convention!) So the first card had a cool technique done with the Scallop Edge Punch. You cut a square piece 2-5/8" x 2-5/8" & then just stick each side into the Scallop Edge Punch & there you go! It makes this really cool little frame! Just make sure you line up each side of the paper on the same lines on the punch each time! I am always amazed at the awesome & unique ideas people come up with!
Here's a close-up of the frame:
Here's the whole card:
The next card we made was a gift card holder. I love making these! They are so easy & fun to make! Plus they're really quick because they're pretty small. Have I mentioned that I {heart} the new In Colors?!?
The front of the gift card holder:

Here's the inside of the gift card holder-

with my Costco card so you can get a feel for the size of it:

I also got some really cute swaps last night too! I always have such a great time at Margaret's sharing ideas & swapping cards. We have a really awesome group of ladies (& Brian) and I always come home totally inspired to get crafty!

1 comment:

  1. Great projects! Is there a measurement or something somewhere for the gift cards? That is a cute way to do them and I want to make some too! With the holidays coming up, I gift a lot of gift cards out.
