Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some New Vinyl

Well, I haven't been doing much crafting the last few days. *sad face* But it's been my husband's days off so we've been out & about doing all sorts of fun things! *happy face*
I did stick some new vinyl up in my house though so I thought I'd share. I LOVE vinyl!
This first one is the "create" definition from Stampin' Up! I stuck it up on the crafty side of our new office/craft room. It's right over my work table & it fit perfectly under the shelf. I'm also planning on adding the Always Bird in chocolate vinyl somewhere above the shelf. Hopefully it won't get too cluttered! This next one I put up in my daughter's room. At my baby shower (over 2-1/2 years ago!) my mother-in-law gave me this beautiful picture to hang in the nursery. We re-did my daughter's room & kept the picture & I decided to add this phrase in vinyl above it. This one I created myself on the Uppercase Living website. It was so easy! I got to pick the font & the size & the color so it is just how I wanted it!

I'm telling you, this vinyl is addicting! There's so much you can do with it!

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