Friday, May 7, 2010

Great Baby Gift Idea

I know, I know...where's the craftiness in this post??? I have been on a little craft hiatus for the past couple of weeks. The weather has been just beautiful here lately & so me & my girls have been outside enjoying it as much as possible! We have a baby shower tomorrow, though, and this is a little gift we put together. We actually got the idea from a friend who did this for us when we had Kaylee & it came in handy so often during that first year! It's a gift that we do for almost every baby shower now, so I thought I would share it with you. We get all of our favorite & necessary baby products & then put them in some kind of cute container (usually a basket, but I found this awesome sand pail for a dollar & thought it was perfect for this time of year). This one includes: Infant's Tylenol, Nasal Spray, Nasal Aspirator, Hyland's Teething Tablets, Mylicon Gas Drops, Thermometer, Nail Clippers, Diaper Cream & one of my new favorites-a teething ring by Nuby that comes in it's own plastic case. So sanitary! You can find them at Target. The great thing about this gift, too, is that it's gender neutral! Welcome baby Calvert!

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