Friday, November 5, 2010

My Cute Cowgirls

I hope you all had a fun Halloween. We sure did! This year my girls were cowgirls & they were just so stinkin' cute. Not that I was able to get a decent picture of the two of them together, of course. But, still, even the shots we did get are pretty cute & we will always be able to remember our girls just as they are right now. I love this photo because it captures Kaylee's silliness & Aidynn's constant throwing of her hat! And I used the antique effect on my computer & I think it's fitting with their costumes. I guess I've been doing a lot of digital projects lately so here's another digital scrapbook page for you, & this one is really simple. Sometimes simple really is better.

Also, I noticed today that this is post #440 here on my little craft blog. Wow! I can't believe I've been blogging here for that long. So I am thinking that when I hit post #450 I should have a little giveaway, yes?

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