Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Doll Bassinet

My youngest just turned 2! She has entered the phase of everything baby. She loves real babies, baby dolls, feeding her babies, pushing them in the little stroller, changing their diapers, clothes, etc. So I knew I wanted to make her a little baby doll bassinet with handles so she would have a little bed for her baby & she could carry her baby around in it. I bought the fabric 2 months ago & then I procrastinated. Of course. So here it was, the week of her birthday & I hadn't even started yet. Yikes! Well, I basically knew what I wanted to do, but wasn't totally sure how I was going to go about doing it. So I searched the trusty Internet. I came across this super cute bassinet tutorial on a blog called Nothing Fancy. I didn't follow it exactly, but it gave me a good starting point. I made it & then wasn't happy with how it was so floppy. And I had put 2 layers of batting in it too! So I ended up doing little stitches in each corner so that it stood up better. I'm really happy with how it turned out! I love the cute floral fabric & the yellow polka dot lining!

And I just had to make a little pillow & blanket to match:

It fits her baby doll perfectly:
All snuggled up for a nap:

I also made a little matching diaper bag (just a basic tiny tote bag) into which I put some baby doll food & spoons, but I forgot to take a pic of it. Bummer.

I think her gift was a big hit:
She's been feeding her baby all of the time & putting her to sleep in her little bed. And she's been carrying her baby all over the house too! It's so cute! I sure love this age (well, except those pesky tantrums)!

1 comment:

  1. haha, my little girl (after two boys) is turning two next week, and just this week she has decided that she loves baby dolls, and does the same thing with them, feed, carry, wash, just love them like a mama...must be the age...I don't sew well, but am determined to learn, and what better way then for baby doll stuff, thanks for the link, and everything turned out so cute! Oh, and congrats on #3, hope you are starting to feel better!
