Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pretty Doilies Card

So a couple of weeks ago I was released from my calling at church as the Laurel Advisor (teaching & working with the 16-18 year old young women). I have to admit this was probably the first time I have been released from a calling that I've actually been really sad about it! I have LOVED spending time with these amazing young women & getting to know them better. Their faith is inspiring & I have grown spiritually myself so much throughout the 18+ months that I served them. I wanted to make some simple cards to send to each one with a little message from me. These cards turned out very pretty. I like how girly they are with the doilies & the lace border. And I didn't even use a single stamp on these! Now I'm off on a new venture in a new calling in Relief Society (the women's program at my church). I will be in charge of planning the monthly Relief Society meetings. Luckily I have a large committee to help me so I know we will come up with some great ideas!

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