Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fabric Basket

I went to a baby shower for one of my good friends from church last night. She is due about 2 weeks before me & she is also having a girl! This is her first baby & I am so excited for her & her hubby! They will be fantastic parents. Anyway, one of my favorite gifts to give to first-time parents is a goodie basket with all sorts of baby medicines, creams & other items that we have found useful & necessary with our babies. You know, all of those things you don't really think about when you first have a baby, but then eventually you'll end up needing them. At least this way they will be prepared for those unexpected illnesses, bouts of gassiness, or that first round of teething. So I saw this super cute fabric basket pinned on Pinterest & found the tutorial for making it over at the blog Pink Penguin, click here to see it. So cute! I thought what better way to deliver all of the baby goodies than in an adorable fabric basket like this one. So I just followed the easy tutorial & made one of my own. Now, it is pretty small, so just keep that in mind, but it is a great way to use up scraps of fabric.

Here it is all filled & ready for gifting:
Everything wouldn't look quite so squished if I had taken them out of the boxes, but that might be a little weird for a baby gift, right? I hope all of this stuff comes in handy for them & their new little baby girl!

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