Friday, December 23, 2011

It's Done!

Right in time too! We had a little scare last week when I started having some contractions & we thought this baby was trying to escape a little early. Well, 5 weeks early actually. I've had doctor's orders to rest, rest, rest & so that's what I've been doing. We just need to try to keep her in until 37 weeks, one more week to go & then she will be considered full term. Luckily my contractions have been very few & very far between since then so I think the rest is helping. I am so glad that I was able to get all of my Christmas stuff done before I had contractions too. My plan after finishing the Christmas stuff was to move on to baby stuff. So this rest has put a little kink into getting all of the baby projects done that I wanted to (bibs, burp cloths, knit blanket, knit hats, car seat canopy, etc.). But it did finally give me the time to sit down & bind the baby quilt! I finished it yesterday & gave it a wash in the machine & I love it! I love how soft & ripply it gets after you wash it. I just want to wash it a few more time so it really gets that worn-in look & feel. The colors may be a little different than norm for a baby quilt, but that's how I like my baby stuff-with fabrics that you wouldn't necessarily consider "baby." And you know I love pink & brown together.

The back is all the large flower print too & I just love it:
I am so happy that I finished this before she arrived!
Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that she'll stay in for at least one more week!

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