Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ribbon Board Makeover

To be honest, I get bored with my home decor very easily. I don't know why. I do something I love, but then get sick of it quickly & want to change things again. Oh it drives my husband nuts! Especially now with Pinterest there are just too many fabulous ideas out there that I constantly see & want to try for our house. I really try to only make changes when they fit into our budget. I've found that I am pretty content to just change out small, simple decor items & it gives me the updating I need without changing big, expensive items in our house.

The source of my latest irritation-my kitchen. Since we rent I obviously will not be doing any crazy remodels in the kitchen or anything, but it drives me nuts because it is so dark in there. We hardly have any natural light in our house, especially in the kitchen. And I am tired with the color scheme of my kitchen towels/accessories. Isn't that crazy? I know, I am a little nuts. But we've been using the same dark blue & white & yellow kitchen towels for 8 years now. It's definitely time for a change & to brighten things up in the kitchen.

I found some kitchen towels in a pretty bright blue color & thought they would add just the right touch of color to the kitchen. Next on my list was to makeover my dark denim & yellow ribbon board. It's pretty big & hangs on one wall in the kitchen. I went to JoAnn's not knowing what I was looking for exactly, except that I wanted to do something with that same bright blue color & then maybe add dark brown or a cocoa brown color. I came across some dark brown polka dot fabric & since I love polka dots (& didn't find anything else I liked) I decided to buy that. Then I found some ribbon in the same color as our new kitchen towels & then added some big white buttons too.

Here's the new ribbon board:
And in it's spot in the kitchen:

I didn't even take the denim fabric off of the old ribbon board, just the old ribbon & then stapled the new fabric & new ribbon right on. Then I sewed the buttons & we now have a whole new ribbon board! So easy, inexpensive & it makes me feel better when I walk into the kitchen now that it's had some sort of little update! And this was a quick & easy project to do while waiting to have this baby! :)

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