Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Still no baby...but I made a ruffle cake!

Well, no baby yet, I am just baking away over here! But I feel like this little bun in the oven is done! I guess she thinks otherwise, however. I'm not actually due for one more week, but after a couple of false alarms where we thought she may debut early, now it just seems like it's taking forever for her to get here. Oh & we've all had colds here at our house, which has not been fun. In the meantime I have been managing to stay pretty busy. Just sitting around waiting to have a baby would drive me nuts, so I've been cooking, cleaning, {somewhat} organizing, chasing after the older two girls, taking care of coughs & runny noses & I've even got a couple of crafty projects going. Today I decided to try my hand at a ruffle cake. I'm sure you've seen them all over Blogland & on Pinterest. I have been wanting to make one for months & months, but never really had a reason to do it. So today, I thought who needs a reason to bake a cake & just went for it. This really was super easy to do too & it looks so pretty.
Here's my rendition of a ruffle cake:
So I ran out of frosting about 3/4 of the way going around with the ruffles, so I just added the ruffle border at the top to finish it off. It was pretty funny. Good thing we're just going to eat this one ourselves! Again, I can't even tell you how easy this was! I love it!

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