Monday, March 19, 2012

Back at the sewing machine again!

So Quinn is now 7 weeks old & I busted out my sewing machine again! Yay! My oldest daughter had a birthday party for a friend on Saturday & I knew I wanted to make her one of these adorable crayon purses. I had this leftover fabric which I love, love, love! And these crayon purses are really so quick & easy to make. Well, unless you have a 7 week old & then it might take you a few days to finish like it did me. {smile} And they are so handy for when you want your child to be occupied-church, long car ride, doctor appointments, etc. I know you've seen me make these before, but I thought I'd share this one with you too. Did I mention I love this fabric?

So here is the side with the crayon pockets:
And the other side with a ruffle:
And the inside with a plain pad of paper & a small princess coloring book:
I hope that our friend likes this & gets lots of use out of it!

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