Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Big Girl is 6!

I can't believe my big girl is 6!  
Oh the things I have learned over these last 6 years!
What an amazing gift it has been to be able to be a mom.

So, per our family tradition, Kaylee got to pick what kind of cake/dessert she wanted for her birthday.  Well, her favorite ice cream is neapolitan.  She loves the three ice cream flavors in one!  And she had seen a picture of a neapolitan cake before when I was looking at ideas on Pinterest.  So she requested a neapolitan cake for her birthday dessert this year.  I have to say it was super easy to make (yay) & it tasted really good too!

I simply used 3 different box mixes-strawberry, vanilla & chocolate.  I leveled them off & then stacked them using the thinest amount of buttercream frosting in between the layers as I could.  We don't like too much frosting on our cakes around here!  Then I tinted the buttercream light pink (again, per Kaylee's request) & I just covered all of the layers in that.  I wanted it to look nice & fluffy, sort of old school, like I can remember my mom or grandma doing.  It was so simple, but perfect too!

We added 6 long pink candles for our birthday girl:

Happy birthday to you, Kaylee-girl:

And the inside looked pretty cool:

So yummy!

I saw one the other day on Pinterest that was like this except with red, white & blue layers.  That would be so fun to try for Memorial Day or the Fourth of July!

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