Friday, August 31, 2012

Summer Crafting Wrap-up

Hi!  I know, again, it's been a while.  We've just had such a busy summer & it flew by way too fast.  I can't believe that school starts next Wednesday!  Here are the highlights of our summer (& the reasons why I didn't get very much crafting done):
Kaylee had her tonsils out.
Kaylee learned to ride a bike.
We went to Mammoth for a week.
Quinn got 2 teeth.
Aidynn is fully potty trained now.
Kaylee lost 2 teeth.
Aidynn turned 3.
Quinn sits up by herself.
We went to Palm Springs for a few days.
And add in there many fun play dates, lots of house guests, beach days & some swimming.
It's been great!

So although we seemed to be so busy this summer I managed to make a few things.  I was too lazy to get my camera out to take decent pictures, so I'm just using these ones off of my phone from Instagram.  

When Quinn started eating solid foods we got out the bibs that we used with the older 2 girls.  Or, rather, the ones that had lasted through both girls.  Now even though these saved bibs were in decent condition, we soon realized that the velcro no longer held.  Bummer!  So every time we'd feed Quinn she could easily pull her bib off, making a huge mess, or the bib would just fall off by itself.  I grabbed some of my fabric scraps & made some new bibs for her.  Bibs are really easy to make too.  I simply used one of my favorite bibs as a template & before I sewed them I used some iron on vinyl to laminate them & make them waterproof.  On the back of the bibs I just used some soft flannel.  Then I attached snaps because I like them so much better for bibs than velcro.
Here's the assortment of bibs:

As I mentioned above, Kaylee lost 2 teeth this summer.  Her teeth had been loose for a couple of months & so I knew I wanted to make a little tooth fairy pillow.  Of course I procrastinated making it & she lost both teeth (one day after each other) before I had made one.  So the week after she lost her teeth I finally made her a little pillow.  Now at least she can use it for all of the other teeth she'll lose.  I had splurged & bought this super cute pink chevron fabric over the summer too & had been itching to make something with it.  And I love the aqua flannel that I used to make the little pocket out of & I used it on the back of the pillow too.  I had traced the shape of a tooth on paper & then just used that as a template to cut one out of white felt to glue onto the pocket.  This was such a quick & easy project & I love how it turned out.  I was going to put a K on there for Kaylee, but then figured it's better without because all of my girls can use this same pillow.
Here it is:

I actually did a little sewing for myself too this summer.  Ok, nothing big, but I had bought this cute striped maxi skirt at the beginning of summer & then I never wore it because it was actually too long.  Way too long!  I decided to shorten it & I am so glad I did!  Now instead of this skirt just hanging in my closet not being worn, it is a great length & I wear it all of the time!  And this was just a simple hem job too.  The skirt is knit which can be tricky to sew, but if I use the walking foot for my sewing machine it makes it so fast & easy.
I should have taken a before picture too, but here it is all hemmed up:

And now I'm off to enjoy our last few days of summer!
Hopefully I can get some more crafting done once the girls are back in school!

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